How secure is our integration with Exchange/Office/Microsoft 365?
Newoldstamp positions its integration with Exchange/Office/Microsoft 365 as the most secure solution on the market. We do not have any access to the content sent inside the email as no email rerouting is used. Newoldstamp signatures are generated on the basis of mail flow rules and applied to the emails after clicking Send button.
What if I need to update contact info about my colleagues?
It's necessary to click Refresh Data on the integrations dashboard after making any changes in the Active Directory.
What if I need to create a signature for a newcomer?
Just make sure to add a newcomer’s account to the department that has the signature template deployed and Refresh Data on the integrations dashboard after that.
What if I have to create signatures for different companies?
You can connect your Newoldstamp account only to one Exchange/O365 domain at the same time. If you need to create signatures for multiple Exchange/O365 domains, please create a separate account for each of them.
Can I see the signature while composing a message?
No, the signature will be added only after clicking Send. Our system analyzes what type of email you are sending (on the basis of mail flow rules) and only after clicking Send button the system dynamically generates and applies a signature to your email.
Check answers for frequently asked questions on direct integration with Exchange/Office/Microsoft 365

Written by Yara | NEWOLDSTAMP
Updated over 3 years ago