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FAQ: Signature Generator

Find the answers to the frequently asked questions on design options

Yara | NEWOLDSTAMP avatar
Written by Yara | NEWOLDSTAMP
Updated over 5 months ago

1. Can I add a sign-off (e.g., Best regards, Kind regards, Regards, etc.) to mysignature?

The Newoldstamp generator does not currently have a built-in sign-off feature. However, you can manually add a sign-off above the email signature in your email client settings or choose any vertical layout and add a sign-off to the User info section.

2. Can I manually move/split contact information into separate lines?
You can manually move/split contact information into separate lines by adding an empty field between each contact field, such as phone number, email, etc. However, if you have used all the contact fields, you can add a <br></br> tag to the contact information that you want to display in a separate line, as shown in the example below:

3. What are the recommendations for logos/photos?

Before uploading the image, please follow these recommendations:
a) Use an image with high resolution (DPI 300);

b) PNG format is advisable, but JPEG and GIF are also supported;

c) The dimensions must be divisible by 2, 5, and 10—for example, 450x200 or any other round number. You can adjust the size using any photo editor, such as Canva or Photoshop.

d) Try to avoid transparent images.

4. Can I have a photo and a logo in my signature?

Yes, you have three options:

a) You can add a logo to the banner section so it is displayed below your contact information.
b) You can visually combine a photo and logo in one picture. To do this, you can use any photo editor, like Canva or Photoshop. Then, you can upload this image to the photo section.

c) You can visually combine a banner and logo in one picture. To do this, you can use any photo editor, like Canva or Photoshop. Then, you can upload this image to the banner section.

5. Can I import animated GIFs?

Yes, with Newoldstamp, you can use an animated GIF as a logo, photo, or banner in your signature. To do that, please use our new editor, then go to the Dashboard and upload a GIF through the Image or Banner section. You can also use the Banner Campaigns option. Please keep the size of the GIF up to 5 MB to prevent it from slowing down email downloading.

6. Can I import my icons next to social ones?

No, you can only use the icons in the available list. But if you need to use a specific icon in your signature, please contact our Support team via live chat or email at, and they will gladly help.

7. What are the recommendations for banners?

Before uploading an image, please follow these recommendations:

a) Use an image with high resolution (DPI 300);

b) PNG format is advisable, but JPEG and GIF are also supported;

c) The dimensions must be divisible by 2, 5, and 10. For example, banners from the gallery are 1000x200 px;

d) Keep the ratio 1:5 or 1:6.
You can adjust the size using any photo editor, such as Canva or Photoshop.

8. Can I have two banners in my signature?

By default, only one banner can be applied to the signature. But if you prefer two banners, don't hesitate to get in touch with our Support team, who will assist you.

9. Can I place a banner above the additional/custom text, social icons, and apps?

Unfortunately, a banner cannot be moved. It has its assigned place, so it can only be located above the added text and buttons.

10. Can I import my own HTML signature template?

No, it is not possible to import your own HTML signature template into our Signature Editor. However, we offer our users an extra service like Custom template design if our default templates don't suit their needs. Here, we need assistance from our technicians, who will develop and test the template for all email clients. As this takes time and effort, this service is paid for additionally.

Please contact our Support team; we will gladly reproduce your design to suit your business needs.

11. Can I add my awards to the signature?

You can add your awards as a banner, which you should design earlier if you like. Or, if you prefer a banner and awards in your signature, please get in touch with our Support team, who will assist you in getting this.

12. Can I change the space between some fields (e.g., user and contact info)?
No, you cannot. Our signature templates are built on invisible HTML sheets to ensure email client and device responsiveness. Unfortunately, the default spacing between elements cannot be modified.

13. Can I add dynamic content like an RSS feed to my signature?
Unfortunately, our email signatures do not support RSS feeds. However, you can add your social or blog pages to your signature using CTA buttons or URLs.

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