How to use the signature editor?

Find out how to create a signature, set colors, fonts and image shapes. How to add social media icons, choose templates and upload banner.

Larry avatar
Written by Larry
Updated over a week ago

1. Fill your signature with necessary information like name, company, title, and contact details.

2. Choose the font style and its’ size. You can also set the main and secondary colors that will make your signature look more attractive.

3. Upload your photo image or the logo of the company. After you upload an image, you can grab colors to make the signature coloring match with the image.

4. Insert social network links to your signature. Paste a direct URL to your social media profile.

5. Choose the best suiting signature template. Click Show More to see all available templates.

6. Make your signature colorful by choosing the primary, secondary, and social icons colors or grab the colors from your image.
You can use your HEX color code if necessary.

7. Upload a promo banner to advertise whatever you may think of or choose any of the ready presets.

8. Add signature apps if you need more call-to-actions, disclaimer, or a green tag.
Click Show More for more Apps options.

9. Save the changes and proceed to install the signature.

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